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Quote block

Making quote block by yourself

The plugin uses code blocks and special code block language (localquote) to represent your quote block. There are some settings those allow you to configure quote block (required fields marked by *):

  • id* - any string or number for quote identification (1, d2f, my-quote1).
  • search* - search query, may be only author's name, but you can use some operators too.
  • refresh - refresh interval, when this time passes plugin will update quote text with another random one (1m, 2d, 30s)
  • customClass - class that can be added to parent div
id 1
search Kamina, TTGL
refresh 10m
customClass my-quote-class another-class

Minimal setup:

id dgnk
search Simon Figgle

More about refresh intervals

refresh property uses custom moment.js like syntax. There are all possible variants (case-sensitive):

  • 10s - equals 10 seconds
  • 10m - equals 10 minutes
  • 10h - equals 10 hours
  • 2d - equals 2 days
  • 2w - equals 2 weeks
  • 2M - equals 2 months
  • 1y - equals 1 year